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€39.90 EUR

SOS Face Mask è una maschera per il viso disintossicante e purificante.

La sua formula contiene ingredienti astringenti e antisettici come:

  • Eucalipto
  • Olio essenziale di tea tree
  • Estratto di achillea

Come agiscono questi ingredienti? Aiutano a restringere i pori e a purificare la pelle.

Include anche:

  • Calendula
  • Propoli
  • Liquirizia
  • Allantoina

Come agiscono questi ingredienti? Questi estratti sono noti per la loro potente azione lenitiva, cicatrizzante e antinfiammatoria.

Infine, questa maschera comprende:

  • Argilla bianca
  • Amido di riso
Come agiscono questi ingredienti? Le loro proprietà aiutano a  controllare la secrezione sebacea e a eliminare le impurità.

Its formula contains astringent and antiseptic ingredients such as:

  • Eucalyptus
  • Tea tree essential oil
  • Yarrow extract

How do these ingredients work? They help to tighten pores and purify the skin.

It also includes:

  • Calendula
  • Propolis
  • Licorice
  • Allantoin

How do these ingredients work? These extracts are known for their powerful soothing, healing and anti-inflammatory action.

Finally, this mask includes:

  • White clay
  • Rice starch

How do these ingredients work? Their properties help tocontrol sebaceous secretionandeliminate impurities.


Apply a thick layer on your clean and dry skin. Leave on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse off with water, gently massaging your skin.
✓We recommend to use it once a week.

  • How many times do I have to use the SOS Mask? We recommend 1 a week but you can use it also more than once.
  • Can I use the SOS Face Mask if I am pregnant? We don't have specific studies, but taking into account the ingredients of each product, the only one I would perhaps not recommend would be the SOS Drying Lotion, due to its salicylic acid content. But as its use is very localised and it is rinsed off, a priori it should not be a problem, although it would be best to consult your doctor.
  • Can I use the mask if I have a dry skin? The mask can be used for all skin types
  • Can I use the SOS Collection with other skincare products? Yes, with all products.
  • Yarrow extract (Aquillea Millefolium): astringent (tightens pores), emollient and decongestant properties help to treat and purify the skin.
  • Calendula extract: very suitable for soothing inflamed or acne-prone skin. Also for sensitive skin.
  • Allantoin: repairing and soothing.
  • White clay and rice starch: control sebaceous secretion and eliminate impurities. Mattifying effect on oily skin.
  • Tea tree essential oil: antiseptic, acts against skin infections.
  • Propolis extract: powerful healing and anti-inflammatory, especially useful for skin with acne or oily skin with blackheads or excess sebum.
  • Liquorice extract: a multifunctional active ingredient. It helps soothe skin inflammation and redness. It has a powerful antioxidant and anti-spot action, thus preventing pigmentation or the appearance of post-inflammatory spots.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil: astringent and antiseptic.

Aqua (acqua), caolino, amido di Oryza Sativa, alcool denat, propandiolo, gliceril stearato, palmitato di isopropile, glicerina, stearato di Peg 100, isostearato di isosteile, diossido di titanio, parfum (fragranza), Olio di semi di Helianthus Anuus (Girasole), Sorbitan Stearate, Olio di semi di soia Glycine, Alcool cetilico, Hectorite, Estratto di fiori di Achillea Millefolium, Estratto di fiori di Calendula Officinalis, Octyldodecanolo, Estratto di radice di Glycyrrhiza Glabra (liquirizia), olio di foglie di Eucalyptus Globulus, glicole propilenico, miristato di ottildodecile, fosfato di potassio cetilico, estratto di propoli, etilesilglicerina, allantoina, tocoferolo, beta-sitosterolo, squalene, Olio di foglie di Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree), alcool benzilico, acido salicilico, gomma xantana, acido sorbico, mentolo, benzoato di sodio, sorbato di potassio, fenossietanolo, acido lattico, salicilato di benzile, linalolo, esilcinnamale.